I get all happy ’cause my life is so damn good
Ooh la la Mm
— Los Lobos, Life is Good
During the day I used to work for what was once known as Netscape Communications. Then Netscape went and got acquired by AOL. It sucked really hard. Now I don't work for AOL. On February 24, 2003 I began working for Sun Microsystems. My job will one day be described here. 10-01-02 - Buster starts being a bad-ass bar-pimpin' WebCam operator. Welcome Buster! 08-01-02 - Levin Engineering makes a break for the Internet. Welcome Steven! 06-01-02 - Technical Wizardry joins my happy little server community. Welcome Jon! 06-01-01 - The Parting Glass has moved from Earthlink to this server. Welcome Fran! 02-10-01 - Obscure Research Labs (ORL) has resurrected its online presence. Yay! Disclaimer: Everything that lives on this server is my personal responsibility. My employer, Sun Microsystems, probably doesn’t know or care about it. If Sun Microsystems does know about this page it will likely deny agreeing or disagreeing with any of my opinions. |